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Installment Payment Plan

虽然所有的费用都是到期的,并在每学期开始时全额支付 在365bet财务状况良好的学生可以通过付款来建立分期付款计划 他们余额的25%用于支付秋季的学杂费、住宿费和膳食计划 and spring semesters on the Clarksville Campus. The remaining 75% is spread out in 3 more payments throughout the term.



在上一学期未能按时付款的学生可能会被拒绝 在未来入学期间参加分期付款计划的权利. 被拒绝参加的学生,只有在以下情况下才可以再次参加 在允许分期付款的两个连续条款中完成全额付款 Payment Plan (fall and spring).

为避免日后支付滞纳金及丧失分期付款计划的资格, 学生应在每个到期日之前继续缴费. Check OneStop for the new payment amounts after drop or withdrawal. Remember, if you withdraw after 学期已经开始,您仍有责任支付结余的学费和学费 fees, dorm and meals. 

在费用支付截止日期前支付最初的25%后,剩余的75% will be payable in three monthly installments.

  • Fall Term Payments due:
    • October 1, November 1 and December 1
  • Spring Term Payments due:
    • March 1, April 1 and May 1

**请注意,大学没有义务在此之前发送提醒通知 the payments are due.


此计划的参与者必须申请所有折扣,豁免,第三方赞助商付款 (such as employer and pre-paid tuition programs) 以及经济援助,包括学生贷款,用于支付之前的注册费 a payment plan will be considered. Financial Aid and other credits received after the initial payment will be applied to the remaining balance, and future amounts due will be recomputed. No refunds can be made until all fees are paid in full.

学生将不会因未能支付剩余的分期付款而被退学. 然而,在付款计划完成之前,大学将扣留成绩和成绩单 made current.

Each participant will be charged a $50.00 service fee each term to defray administrative costs. 此费用与25%的首付款一起在注册时或之前支付 fee payment deadline. 逾期缴款的额外费用为25元 each installment not paid on or before the due date. Students who make payments with checks that are returned will be charged a $30.00 return check service fee as well as any applicable late fees.


There is a Convenience Fee 用信用卡或借记卡支付的费用.


如果学生账户服务和出纳办公室没有收到付款 在预定的付款到期日之前,学校将停止对学生的所有服务 该学生包括成绩,成绩单,和以后的注册直到费用 是否已全部付清,包括任何滞纳金.


所有有关退回支票费用、退回借方的现行规则和政策 卡费,退款,退学,退课和收款费用适用 to the Installment Payment Plan.


在收到费用声明后,希望参加分期付款的学生 Payment Plan should sign up for the plan through OneStop,学生可使用信用卡、借记卡支付全额或首付款 or electronic check online. 付款也可以用支票或现金邮寄 用现金、支票或汇票在出纳处取钱. All credit card and debit card payments must be made online.

分期付款计划后增加的课程的额外费用将导致付款 计划重新计算并更改任何剩余付款的到期余额. 

Through OneStop,您可以将家长设置为授权用户,允许他们进行定期付款。 on the account. 学生是唯一可以对计划进行更改的个人 payments. 如果父母打电话来是要在账户上付款,确实有 没有FERPA档案,我们将无法通过电话提供余额细节.

当你注册时,你的首付款和不可退还的50美元分期付款计划 enrollment fee are due. 毕竟,你的首付款将是你总欠款的25% 经济援助,奖学金和/或第三方援助奖已记入 to your account plus the $50.


在秋季,付款期限为10月1日、11月1日和12月1日. In the spring, payments are due March 1, April 1, and May 1. If payment is not received by the due date, you will be charged a $25 late fee. 如果到期日是周末,你的付款将在下周一到期.

按照分期付款计划,您还有一笔到期未还的款项. The amount you owe will 根据您退课或退学的日期进行调整. Check the Academic Calendar 查看如果您放弃或退出,您将负责的费用金额 at various points in the semester. You will receive a refund only if the newly adjusted 费用总额少于你已经支付的金额.  
25美元的滞纳金和暂停将放置在您的帐户,阻止您预注册 下学期,查看/接收成绩,或接收成绩单/文凭.
付款计划仅限于常规的16周学期(秋季) & Spring) 因为Summer和Fort Campbell的任期太短了. The term would be over before you are done making payments on the installment plan.


  1. Log in to OneStop, click on Web Self Service, then on the Student tab.
  2. Select Student Account.
  3. Select Confirm & Pay or Enroll in a Payment Plan.
  4. Select the term.
  5. 您的帐户余额摘要和帐户详细信息将被显示. Click "Yes, I will attend during ... "
  6. Select Continue. You will be taken to our bill payment system.
  7. Select Payment Plans tab then select Enroll Now.
  8. Select the current term.
  9. Click "View full plan description" for payment plan details.
  10. Click Continue then Select Display Payment Schedule. 查看您现在要支付的首付款金额以及分期付款的到期日和金额.
  11. Select "No" if you do not 希望您的下三个分期付款自动从银行或信贷扣除 card account. Click Continue.
  12. Enter credit card information. 如果您想通过eCheck支付,您必须创建一个Payment 首先配置文件,然后等待一天才能使用此帐户付款.
  13. Click "I Agree" box then click Continue.
  14. Wait for payment confirmation.


  1. Log in to OneStop, click on Web Self Service, then on the Student tab.
  2. Select Student Account.
  3. Select Statements/Payments/Authorized Users.
  4. Select Continue. You will be taken to our bill payment system.
  5. Select Make a Payment.
  6. Select Pay Next Installment then Continue.
  7. Follow payment instructions and submit payment.